Meet the Team
Founder, Designer
Thomas Cahir
Thomas Cahir is a game designer and writer. Over the past 15 years he has been involved in the modding and design scene for numerous games. To date his top three mods, Taskforce Xeno, Fatherland (Stellaris) and Research Facility, KY (Project Zomboid) have received numerous user awards and have 9,000, 21,000 and 166,000 subscribers respectively
Over the past several years he has been designing Those Who Dare (TWD), a tabletop pen and paper roleplaying game with a focus on accessibility and player driven story telling. He is also the author of Frostfall: Melbourne, a near future, post apocalyptic story and world that takes place in Melbourne and greater Victoria. He is a a graduate of Monash University Bachelor of Science (BSc) program and the BSc Advanced Studies - Neuroscience at University of Sydney. He works as an industry researcher with a focus on neurological diseases such as multiple sclerosis and parkinsons.
Founder, Designer
Luke James
​As a teen Luke was an avid player of role playing games. They spent many weekends from morning until night playing Dungeons & Dragons with their friends. About 7 years ago I got back into boardgaming & roleplaying games as an adult. Since then they have been developing many different board game concepts which are at various stages. They have also written custom campaigns for Dungeons & Dragons and other game systems with great results.
Professionally, they area non-binary, autistic person. They have worked in IT as a systems administrator until about 5 years ago, when they left the workforce due to mental health issues. I have done volunteer work with minor political parties over the last 9 years.